Keep Colds and Flu at Bay This Winter
Sunday, 06 November 2011

No one wants to get a cold or the flu this winter.
As the season comes upon us, many people want to prevent these annoying illnesses from taking hold.
While there is no magic formula to prevent all illness, there are some things you can do to lower your risk of contracting colds and flu.
Here are some tips...
According to some sources, Vitamin D3 is the form best suited to stave off colds and flu. This vitamin does occur naturally in some foods, such as mushrooms, tuna, salmon, eggs, beef, and liver. Fish oils are also high in Vitamin D3, and some food products have it added.
Getting sunlight is also an important and viable way of obtaining Vitamin D3. See if you can soak up a little winter sun here and there, even if it's just your face that gets the sunlight. It's interesting to note that people who live in extreme northern climates where there is little to no sunlight during the winter do not tend to be deficient in Vitamin D - this is probably because their diets include a lot of high-fat seafood.
Use lots of garlic in your cooking! Garlic has been shown to boost the immune system, and studies confirm its anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties. Garlic is fairly inexpensive and can be added to a lot of dishes, or made a central part of the meal (as in pasta with garlic sauce). You can also take garlic supplements.
Vitamin C
It's an oldie but a goodie - Vitamin C is helpful in preventing colds and flu. While citrus fruits are considered a good source of Vitamin C, fruits are often shipped long distances during the winter and vitamin loss can occur through citrus fruit's porous skin. Other foods that are usually high in Vitamin C may be short on this vitamin in the winter. For these reasons, you might want to take a daily supplement.
Keep Medications on Hand
It's generally considered most effective if you start treatment at the first sign of illness, particularly if you choose natural or homeopathic treatments. Stock up on treatments like zinc lozenges, extra Vitamin C, antihistamines, herbs, and other treatments so you can get to them quickly. You may be able to keep the cold or flu from taking hold if you start treatment early.
Get Plenty of Rest
This is probably one of the most important but most overlooked aspects of staying healthy. A worn-out body just doesn't fight off illness like a well-rested one, experts warn. Try to get at least eight hours of quality sleep every night, preferably turning in before midnight.
Drink Herbal Teas
While many herbal teas can be used to treat colds and flu, they may also prevent them. Herbs like lemon balm taste good and also have anti-viral properties. Some health food retailers sell special blends of herbs that make good-tasting, healthful teas that you can drink regularly to help keep colds and flu away.
Keep Medications on Hand
It's generally considered most effective if you start treatment at the first sign of illness, particularly if you choose natural or homeopathic treatments. Stock up on treatments like zinc lozenges, extra Vitamin C, antihistamines, herbs, and other treatments so you can get to them quickly. You may be able to keep the cold or flu from taking hold if you start treatment early. As always, it's best to visit your doctor if you have signs and symptoms of the flu. Natural remedies together with your doctor's knowledge and skill can help speed your recovery from a cold or flu.
Body Focus System Weight Loss Success
I'm a 40 something year old guy that over the last 10 years has slowly but surely gained weight. I have never been the type of guy to diet, but after having to go for sleep apnea testing, starting medication to control my high blood pressure, and being 40 pounds overweight, found it was time to do something.
I went to a Body Focus System seminar to hear what they had to say and I was surprised. The Detox is what really got my attention. I had always wanted to try a detox, but did not like the thought of having only liquids or having to drink some crazy mixture that tasted like who knows what.
I decided to sign up and give this "diet" a try. I cannot tell you how happy I am that I did! Let me first tell you about the detox. I started with the fruit detox in August and from the first day there was more to eat than I ever expected. I always assumed a diet would be about eating food you don't like and trying to forget about how hungry you are. With the detox, there were days that I was eating a snack before I was even hungry. I lost over 7 pounds during the detox eating fruits that I like and not feeling hungry at all.
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I went to a Body Focus System seminar to hear what they had to say and I was surprised. The Detox is what really got my attention. I had always wanted to try a detox, but did not like the thought of having only liquids or having to drink some crazy mixture that tasted like who knows what.
I decided to sign up and give this "diet" a try. I cannot tell you how happy I am that I did! Let me first tell you about the detox. I started with the fruit detox in August and from the first day there was more to eat than I ever expected. I always assumed a diet would be about eating food you don't like and trying to forget about how hungry you are. With the detox, there were days that I was eating a snack before I was even hungry. I lost over 7 pounds during the detox eating fruits that I like and not feeling hungry at all.
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Alex D. / Columbia NJ