Summer Weight Loss Warning:
Sunday, 24 July 2011
With only a month left until the end of summer, you may be in a hurry to lose a few pounds before the labor day weekend celebrations. If so, be careful of those heavily advertised (and often misleading) products you see on the internet or at local stores promoting "fast, effortless" weight loss without exercise or lifestyle changes. While these companies are very good at telling the consumer what they want to hear, if you look closely at what they're selling, you'll see that their products often involve purchasing pre-packaged meals or drinks, herbal pills or a "starvation" diet plan that can be unsafe, costly and in my opinion, will help you lose nothing more than your money!
These so-called "miracle" weight loss plans and products often send dieters into a cycle of quick weight loss, followed by a “rebound” weight gain once normal eating resumes. Sadly, in many cases, the weight gained back is often greater than what was originally lost while on the diet plan!
So what's the best way to quickly shed a few pounds without the negative repercussions? Consult with a doctor, dietician, or other qualified health care professional to go over your medical history and determine your ideal healthy body weight before starting a diet plan. With this information, a custom weight loss program can be created to help you safely lose the weight you want.
To schedule a FREE Body Fat Analysis at our office, click the weight control link to the right or visit the contact us page and let us know what your weight loss goals are. You will also receive information about our weight loss program which helps you lose weight utilizes real foods found at your local store and can be followed online or on-the-go using the Body Focus, EZDietPlanner & Fitness Tracker™
Now you can lose those extra pounds around your problem areas in a matter of a few short weeks without starvation diets, pre-packaged foods or herbal diet pills/drinks. And since this is a medical weight loss program, we're able to design it so that it’s right for you even if you have a medical condition such as diabetes, arthritis, hypertension or high cholesterol.
Body Focus System Weight Loss Success
I'm a 40 something year old guy that over the last 10 years has slowly but surely gained weight. I have never been the type of guy to diet, but after having to go for sleep apnea testing, starting medication to control my high blood pressure, and being 40 pounds overweight, found it was time to do something.
I went to a Body Focus System seminar to hear what they had to say and I was surprised. The Detox is what really got my attention. I had always wanted to try a detox, but did not like the thought of having only liquids or having to drink some crazy mixture that tasted like who knows what.
I decided to sign up and give this "diet" a try. I cannot tell you how happy I am that I did! Let me first tell you about the detox. I started with the fruit detox in August and from the first day there was more to eat than I ever expected. I always assumed a diet would be about eating food you don't like and trying to forget about how hungry you are. With the detox, there were days that I was eating a snack before I was even hungry. I lost over 7 pounds during the detox eating fruits that I like and not feeling hungry at all.
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I went to a Body Focus System seminar to hear what they had to say and I was surprised. The Detox is what really got my attention. I had always wanted to try a detox, but did not like the thought of having only liquids or having to drink some crazy mixture that tasted like who knows what.
I decided to sign up and give this "diet" a try. I cannot tell you how happy I am that I did! Let me first tell you about the detox. I started with the fruit detox in August and from the first day there was more to eat than I ever expected. I always assumed a diet would be about eating food you don't like and trying to forget about how hungry you are. With the detox, there were days that I was eating a snack before I was even hungry. I lost over 7 pounds during the detox eating fruits that I like and not feeling hungry at all.
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Alex D. / Columbia NJ