The Benefits of Warm Ups
Sunday, 28 February 2010

Before sprinting off into the distance, it is important to warm up first. Like the name implies, warming up gets the body prepared for a more vigorous workout. It's like your car. In the morning, especially winter mornings, the car may not turn over the first time you try to start it. Gas can settle in the bottom of the tank overnight as the temperature drops. It takes a few minutes after you get it started for the inner workings to get going.
The same goes for your engine. After a night of sleep or a day of regular activity, your muscles are tight. They need to limber up a little before you go full tilt into your workout. Otherwise, you risk serious injury and a blow to your motivation.
If you are thinking that you can get away without warming up, just read the benefits of warm-ups that you may not have been enjoying up until now:
1. Your heart rate rises slowly. The body gets prepared to exercise. You won't feel like your heart is beating out of your chest within five minutes. Your blood gets time to circulate properly and send rich oxygen to feed those muscles and slow the build-up of lactic acid (what causes those muscle cramps).
2. You can avoid injury. Most injuries come from lack of proper warm-up routines. When the muscles are more pliable, they move easier and resist injuries. Quick twists and turns are tolerated well by the body when all muscles are ready to go.
3. Endurance is increased. When the body is warm and the blood is circulating, you can work out longer. It does take time to build up endurance but you will see potentially greater results with warm-ups than without.
4. It promotes a proper breathing technique. When you go running or play that sport right away, you are less likely to be breathing efficiently. Throughout the warm-up, you are setting your breathing patterns for the entire workout. Breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth can prevent dry mouth and also gasping for air.
5. You sweat sooner. Sweating is usually a sign that your body is warm and reaching its peak of efficiency. Warming up for five or ten minutes at a slower pace will get the sweat rolling. Besides warming up the muscles it is also cooling at the same time.
If you haven't had these kinds of experiences, then try warming up first. Besides the benefits, it also helps prevent serious injuries that can stop you from exercising for weeks or even months.
Body Focus System Weight Loss Success
I went to a Body Focus System seminar to hear what they had to say and I was surprised. The Detox is what really got my attention. I had always wanted to try a detox, but did not like the thought of having only liquids or having to drink some crazy mixture that tasted like who knows what.
I decided to sign up and give this "diet" a try. I cannot tell you how happy I am that I did! Let me first tell you about the detox. I started with the fruit detox in August and from the first day there was more to eat than I ever expected. I always assumed a diet would be about eating food you don't like and trying to forget about how hungry you are. With the detox, there were days that I was eating a snack before I was even hungry. I lost over 7 pounds during the detox eating fruits that I like and not feeling hungry at all.
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Alex D. / Columbia NJ